Not sure how to do it? See an example

SEO is the giant mysterious guardian of the world wide web. Only a select few can be on the first page. Read why and how you can be one of the few.

What Is SEO Anyway And How Does It Work

By watching this video you will learn the basics on how SEO works and what you would need to do to implement the process yourself. Yes anyone can do it but not everyone has the time or patience to do it right. You can read more below on the process.

Simply put, SEO stands for search “search engine optimization“. To understand what that means, think of trying to please a robot to get you to the first page of the search results, or “SERPS“—like a computer, putting in information to get a result.

The worst thing is this robot that is also called an algorithm is still learning. The robot is finding it difficult to siphon out the real information from all the fake information. Fake information is information that people put out there to try and trick the robot to put them on the first page mainly to make money.

So you see why it is a problem that search engines like Google and Bing are having a problem keeping the spammers and scammers off the first page.

Black Hat SEO

Black Hat SEO

The spammers and scammers use what is called Black Hat SEO to try and trick the robot to put them on the first page of the search results. This might work for a little while until the robot gets an update and the spammers and scammers have to find another trick.

So really, you could call them a kind of hacker. Just like spammers and scammers that try and get your identity to use it against you, they try and hack the algorithm to benefit themselves.

So Why Is It So Important To Be On The First Page

Ever heard the joke “If you want to hide a dead body put it on the second page of Google”? That joke is saying everything about the first page of the search results. Hardly anyone goes to the second page, never mind the 3rd, 4th, and beyond

If there were a perfect search engine, there would only be one page, but there isn’t a perfect robot, so there are hundreds of pages with different results.

But the first page is the holey grail because that is where everyone’s dreams come true

If you are on the first page, you can sell your products, get your story out, sell your services, or whatever you want. The first page is the place to be.

The Basics Of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

Since SEO is the process of getting the robot to see your content as useful information to the searcher, there are a few things you need to feed the robot or algorithm.

  • Title –
  • Description-
  • Body

    Looks simple right? If it is so simple, why isn’t everyone doing it?

    Choosing a title

    When you want to choose a title, there has to be some thought put into it. You are trying to get actual people to click over to your website so you need to stand out somehow. So it has to be catchy.

    Then you have to tell the robot what you want to be on the first page for, so if the robot doesn’t understand what the title is, you have lost the battle already. So you do this by having a keyword in your title.

    PRO TIP:

    Use this free tool to create awesome titles. It is the Free Title Analyzer From Monster Insites. All you do is type in the title you want and hit analyze as I did for the title of this post.

    Free Title Analyzer

    It will then give you a score (see the image below)

    Free Title Analyzer

    So one thing I can do to improve this score is to take out a word that really doesn’t matter

    Free Title Analyzer

    So I took out the word Mystery, and bam, my score improved. I think I will go with that

    Free Title Analyzer

    What Is A Keyword?

    A keyword is what people actually type in the search bar to get a result. Most people don’t understand that a robot is trying to give them a result that is useful and answers their quarry. So most people just type in random words. These words are keywords.

    How Do You Find The Keywords People Are Searching For?

    Just Google it? Doing a search for keywords is like doing a search for something you want. The robot will be more than happy to render the best results you are looking for.

    Using these results you can create your own and insert a keyword into it that makes sense. Job done, now the robot knows what your content is about.

    PRO TIP:

    You can use my free keyword research tool on my website. Just CLICK HERE to get there

    Here is how to use it:

    The Description

    The description of the subject matter is the second thing a person will see before they click over to your website. So it is important to make the description enticing, use the keyword in the description, and keep it short.

    The Page Itself or the body of the content

    After someone clicks over to your website from the search results page it is your goal to keep them on the page as long as possible. This is a huge ranking signal to the robot that people are eating up your content thus ranking you higher in the search results.

    Creating SEO-Friendly Pages That Rank

    Remember the robots are going to check out your content before they show the title and description in the search results so your page hierarchy needs to be on point.

    The title and description on the page need to be just like the SEO except the description can be longer. The page should also have the main keyword in the H1 and H2 tags of the content and be sprinkled throughout the content.

    The H tags tell the robot the importance of the words on the page. So the H1 is reserved for the title, the H2 is reserved for the important subtitles, and the H3 is reserved for the subtitles that further explain the H2 tags. So here is an image of what a webpage template might look like.

    • H1 – The title of the page with main keyword – “What Is SEO” SEO being the keyword
    • H2 – Subtitle with main keyword – “What SEO is and why it is important” See the keyword SEO again
    • Paragraph text – Write a 100 – 150 word description using the keyword
    • H3 – Going further ” The Importance Of SEO”
    • Paragraph text

      How Do I Create The H Tages?

      Very good question. This all depends on the CMS you are using to write the content. If you are creating an HTML document you already know how to do this.

      If you are using WordPress you need to install an SEO plugin. Most of them have a free version and that is what I have been doing for the last 12 years. Using the free version of Yoast SEO or RankMath SEO.

      You Can Download The Plugins For Free By Clicking On One Of The Images

      I know, which one is better? Well I have used both and basically they do the same thing. I personally like Rank Math better but that is my preference. I will explain how to use both in the video below the images.

      Tracking and Measuring Results of Your Local SEO Efforts

      Understanding Local Searches

      Search engine marketing for local businesses can be a very effective way to increase website traffic and grow your business. When done correctly, it can help you find new customers, attract more repeat customers and boost your overall online presence.

      However, Local SEO isn’t easy – especially if you don’t have the resources or experience to do it yourself. That’s where professional assistance comes in. At Milford CT Marketing we will work with you to devise an effective strategy tailored specifically for your business. We will also monitor your site’s progress and provide feedback along the way so that you can ensure successful results.

      There are a few key factors that SEM consultants take into account when designing a local SEO campaign. These include:

      Your website’s content

      Your website’s content is the key to your success with Local SEO. If you can produce high-quality, keyword-rich content that is relevant to your local market, you’ll be able to rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEM consultants will help you identify the keywords that are most important to your business and target them specifically.

      Your website’s architecture

      Your website’s architecture is also important when it comes to Local SEO. Poorly designed websites can negatively impact your site’s ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). SEM consultants will help you create a site that is easy to navigate and looks professional.

      Your website’s on-page optimization

      On-page optimization is the process of optimizing your website for search engine results pages (SERPs). SEM consultants will help you identify and correct any mistakes that could negatively impact your site’s ranking. This includes things like using keywords in the correct places, creating a well-designed layout and ensuring your website is properly coded.

      Your website’s link building

      Links are one of the most important factors when it comes to Local SEO. SEM consultants will help you build links to your website from high-quality, relevant websites. This will help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

      Once you have a strategy in place, tracking and measuring your results is essential. SEM consultants will provide you with detailed reports that will show you how your site is performing. This will help you to identify any areas that need improvement and make necessary changes.

      Understanding local searches is essential when it comes to Local SEO. SEM consultants can help you track and measure your progress so that you can ensure successful results.

      Measuring the Success of Your Search Engine Marketing Efforts

      It’s important to track your local SEO efforts and measure their success in order to determine what adjustments may need to be made. This can be done using a number of different methods, including keyword analysiscompetitor research, reviews and ratings sites and site speed testing.

      Keyword Analysis

      One of the easiest ways to measure the success of your local SEO efforts is by analyzing the keywords that are ranking on your page. By tracking how many times each keyword appears on your website and how many clicks it is receiving from visitors, you can see which keywords are performing well for you and make necessary changes to improve traffic flow for those keywords.

      You can do this very easily by connecting Google Search Console.

      Competitor Research

      Another useful method for measuring the success of your local SEO efforts is by researching your competition. By understanding what they are doing well and where they are struggling, you can improve upon your own strategies and techniques.

      Reviews and Ratings Sites

      Finally, it’s important to track the success of your local SEO efforts by monitoring reviews and ratings sites. This information can help you identify which areas need improvement on your website in order to increase traffic flow for your desired keywords.

      Common Mistakes to Avoid in Local SEO

      There are a few things to keep in mind when conducting local SEO that can help ensure your business remains top of mind for potential customers. First and foremost, make sure your website is optimized for local search. This means including keywords and phrases specific to your region in your website’s content, as well as using local directories and search engines to drive traffic to your site.

      Another important factor to consider is your website’s on-page optimization. This includes making sure your website’s title tags, meta descriptions, and other elements are optimized for search engine visibility. Finally, be sure to regularly publish new content on your website that is relevant to your region and targets potential customers. This will help you maintain a high ranking in local search results and attract new customers.

      The Future of Search Engine Marketing for Local Business

      Search engine marketing for local businesses is becoming increasingly important due to the ever-growing popularity of online searches. Studies have shown that 54% of Americans research products or services online before making a purchase, and that number is only increasing (source: Search Engine Land). In order to compete in this market, local businesses must make use of search engine marketing techniques to draw in potential customers.

      One way to do this is through organic search engine marketing. This approach relies on good old-fashioned word-of-mouth advertising tactics, whereby your business advertises itself through positive reviews from customers and other sources. The key here is to be visible enough on major search engines so that people are likely to stumble upon your advertisement while conducting a Google search.

      Another method employed by many businesses involves paid advertising via search engines. These ads may appear as sponsored links at the top or bottom of web pages, or they may be inserted into SERPS (search engine results pages). Regardless of their placement, paid ads are effective because they can reach a large audience quickly and affordably. They’re also an effective way to target specific demographics (such as people who live in your area), which can help you increase sales by appealing directly to your customer base.

      Overall, search engine marketing for local businesses allows small businesses access to a large pool of potential customers across the country. By using effective targeting methods and expanding their visibility on popular search engines, these companies can effectively compete against bigger rivals – even if they don’t have deep pockets!

      In conclusion, local search engine marketing is an effective tool for businesses looking to reach potential customers in their area. It requires a comprehensive strategy of targeted keyword research, website optimization, link building and leveraging social media platforms. With the right combination of tactics and careful tracking and measurement of results, local businesses can reap the rewards of increased visibility in their target markets. Investing in local SEO now will future-proof your business against changing algorithms by providing long term sustainable traffic growth – ensuring that you stay ahead of your competition regardless of changes to the search landscape.