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Questions and Answers

Question: What is the cost of your marketing services? Answer: Our marketing services have various options to choose from, depending on your budget. We offer packages starting from $499 per month and going up to $1,500 per month. Additionally, we have free individual products as well. Please reach out to us to determine the right solution for you.


Question: What is the average cost of marketing for a small business? Answer: As per the recommendations of the U.S. Small Business Administration, small businesses should allocate 7 to 8% of their gross revenue towards marketing and advertising if they generate less than $5 million in sales annually and have a net profit margin in the 10 to 12% range.


Question: How much should I pay a freelance marketer? Answer: Freelance marketers generally charge anywhere from $50 to $200 per hour, based on their skills and experience. Other factors such as their reputation with past clients may also impact the rate they charge.


Question: What is a reasonable starting marketing budget for a startup? Answer: Startups should allocate an average of 11.2% of their overall revenue towards their marketing budget. This allows marketers to have sufficient resources to build brand recognition and attract leads.


Question: What distinguishes marketing from advertising? Answer: Marketing is the process of identifying customer needs and determining how best to fulfill those needs. On the other hand, advertising refers to promoting a company and its products or services through paid channels. In simpler terms, advertising is a component of marketing.